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[22:39.58]  最初这两个VA研究者只研究男人,
[22:42.47]because the dreams of men are far easier to study.
[22:47.01]Men and women dream differently.
[22:50.57]Indeed,sex is the biggest factor in accounting for aifferences in the people,
[22:56.73]activities,locations and feelings that occur in dreams
[23:02.69]Dr.Kramer says,"When you compare men and women
[23:07.83]you get a greater difference and dream content than when you compare
[23:13.16]say,20-and 60-year-olds,or black and white
[23:18.83]Last year the VA researchers began studying the relationship of sleepdreams,
[23:25.96]and mood in women.
[23:27.54]  去年,这两个VA研究者开始研究女人的睡眠,做梦和情绪的关系.
[23:29.12]This work is continuing,
[23:32.47]but the initial findings reinforce what they had found in men.
[23:37.74]"Overall,the women are just like men,"Kramer says.
[23:40.62]  "总的说来,女人正如男人一样."克莱默说.
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