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This is AP News Minute.

Federal agents converged at the home of a possible person of interest in the explosion that rocked downtown Nashville on Christmas morning. Investigators are scouring hundreds of tips and leads in the blast that damaged dozens of buildings.

A series of explosions hit Kabul, Afghanistan Saturday morning. Officials say at least two police officers were killed and others were wounded. The attacks occurred as Afghan and Taliban leaders are holding talks to try to reach a peace deal to end decades of war.

Evacuation centers have been set up in central England after hundreds of people were forced from their homes due to flooding. Weather forecasters say heavy rain and winds of up to 70 mph are forecast to continue through the weekend.

A monolith made of gingerbread appeared on a San Francisco hilltop on Christmas Day. It's a tastier version of the mysterious metal monoliths that have appeared since one was discovered in the Utah desert earlier this month.
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