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This is AP News Minute.
President Donald Trump now is encouraging voters in the critical swing state of Florida to vote by mail after months of criticizing the practice, and only days after threatening to sue Nevada over a new vote-by-mail law.
Major Beirut downtown streets were littered with debris and damaged vehicles, and building facades were blown out after a massive explosion that rocked the Lebanese capital on Tuesday. Experts and videos of the blast suggest fireworks and ammonium nitrate appear to have been the fuel that ignited the explosion.

School districts nationwide puzzling over how to safely educate children during a pandemic have a more immediate challenge - getting 26 million bus-riding students there in the first place. Few challenges are proving to be more daunting than figuring out how to maintain social distance on school buses.
London's Victoria and Albert Museum is preparing to welcome back the public. Hoping that introducing free ticketed time slots, hand sanitizing stations and guidance on mask wearing will make visitors feel safe to return and see the wonders of the world they have on display.
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