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华尔街高级英语学习教程第2课:私密谈话Act2 (MP3和文本下载)

Dear Juanita,
It was absolutely marvelous to see you again the other day, and to meet your tiny, sweet little daughter, and your handsome, clever husband.

I must tell you, my dear: the most extraordinary thing happened to me after I left you.

I was stopped by this funny little man in a car; who asked me lots of awfully embarrassing questions about you and David and Annie. I wouldn't have minded so much if he hadn't been so terribly unattractive.

Perhaps I shouldn't have told him that David used to take drugs but I had to tell him something just to get rid of him. I'm sure you understand.

Now, I don't want to frighten you, darling, but I thought you really should see this simply awful magazine article: DANGEROUS ACQUAINTANCES

Why did the daughter of Mexico's Mr Big marry the son of an international drugs criminal, and brother of a wellknown terrorist? And who really gave the order to kill Washdon "businessman" Hugo Peters? These are some of the questions that top reporter Kristi Schmidt will be trying to answer in her article in next month's Playperson. People are saying such terrible things about you, you see. If I were you I’d be very careful.

Love and kisses,
Your very own