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英语四级标准听力强化训练(MP3+文本) 第27期:短文(6)


7.C 8. 9. D 10. B


Passage 3

While nearly all men are poor at public speaking,women are even worse. This is partly because women cannot tell jokes,but also because we are better at self-awareness and therefore know that our speech is average and the audience would rather be doing something else—(7)thoughts that do little to enhance performance.(上文中自我意识的想法很难为演讲增色。)(8)To combat fear and innate hopelessness, I try quite hard to be better.(演讲者努力地克制恐惧和固有的绝望感。)Every time a book about public speaking arrives on my desk, I skim it for tips. Mostly they tell you to "relax" and "be yourself" (9)which is downright irresponsible.(演讲者认为书中的建议是非常不负责任的。)

This works only for the one in a trillion who is born a brilliant speaker. Being good, for everyone else means reaching such an elevated level of nervousness and artifice that you can present an entirely convincing picture of authenticity and relaxation. I have only come across two bits of helpful advice. The first is practice, practice, practice. This is a bore because it takes a lot of time, but there is no way round it, (10)The second is to junk all aids. PowerPoint is a crutch.(不建议使用幻灯片。)It is an ugly thing in itself and must be thrown away if you want to talk smoothly. Equally, you must never read a speech. Write it, learn it and then leave it at home, speaking with minimal notes.


artifice n.诡计;欺骗

average a.平常的,普通的

crutch n.拐杖

downright a.彻底的,完全的

elevated a.提高的

hopelessness n.绝望

innate a.天生的,固有的

junk v.丢弃,废弃

minimal a.最小的

self-awareness n.自我意识

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