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英语四级标准听力强化训练(MP3+文本) 第27期:短文(6)

Questions 7 to 10 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage,you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions.

Now, listen to the passage.

7. Which is NOT mentioned as the reason why women are poor at public speaking?

A. Women cannot tell jokes.

B. Women are better at self-awareness.

C. Women do little to enhance performance.

D. Women know their speech is average.

8. According to the passage,which of the following statements is CORRECT?

A. Men are poorer than women at public speaking.

B. Books on public speaking work for people poor at speaking.

C. Being good means reaching a usual level of artifice.

D. The speaker tries hard to combat innate hopelessness.

9. What's the speaker's attitude towards books about public speaking?

A. Positive.

B. Grateful.

C. Neutral.

D. Distrustful.

10. The speaker suggests all the following EXCEPT_____.

A. writing a speech

B. using PowerPoint

C. practicing more

D. taking minimal notes

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