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  作者:恒星英语学习网     所属分类:Z开头的英语单词     

zev 是什么意思


ZEV = zero-emission vehicle 无污染车辆〔指以燃料电池作动力,因而不会排放有害尾气的车辆〕。
Zev is a given name. Zev or Ze'ev is a Hebrew first name, meaning "wolf".


1.This proved fatal to the zev mandate
事后证明,这对zev "强制要求"是致命的。

2.Zev zero emissions vehicle

3.A letter writing campaign , bused - in retirees , focus groups , and other tricks were used to try to derail the zev mandate
一场给退休人员、关键团体发信的信件风暴,以及其他花招被用来试图破坏zev "强制要求" 。

4.If the epa chose not to enforce the caa , then california would be off the hook , and could drop the zev mandate
如果环保局选择不执行联邦清洁空气法( " caa " ) ,那么加州将摆脱困境,并可能放弃zev "强制要求" 。

5.Carb now , it seemed , had the facts required to force gm to produce the ev1 , and to force other car makers to follow with other zev
现在看来, carb需要迫使通用汽车生产ev1 ,并迫使其他汽车厂商以其他形式的zev跟进。

6.Pure electric vehicle ( pev ) whose energy source is power battery loaded on the vehicle is a kind of zero emission vehicle ( zev )

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