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xhosa 是什么意思



1.(pl. Xhosa(s)) 科萨人〔住在南非开普省的牧民〕。
2. 科萨语〔南非开普省牧民的班图语〕 (= Xosa)。 也作 Xosa.


1.Contribution to xhosa people

2.Avout 7 million people , including current president thabo mbeki and former president nelson mandela , speak xhosa

3.The supreme master ching hai was invited to lecture in south africa and was warmly welcomed by the xhosa people with songs and dances

4.When master arrived at the conference hall , a group of native xhosa people warmly cheered and welcomed her with traditional songs and dances

5.Language : there are 11 official languages , including english , afrikaans and xhosa , zulu , sesotho and other nine african languages
语言: 11种官方语言。其中包括英语、南非荷兰语和克索萨语、祖卢语、塞苏托语等9种当地主要部族语言。

6.Customers can choose between the traditional king james version of the bible or more up - to - date tra latio . zulu and xhosa version will be available soon and other languages will follow

7.Customers can choose between the traditional king james version of the bible or more up - to - date translations . zulu and xhosa version will be available soon and other languages will follow

8.The founder and director of icamagu institute , ms . nokuzola mndende , was asked for help by an extremely poor xhosa community . although she had tried her best to respond , she had very little money . her only recourse was to pray sincerely to god to help these unfortunate people

9.On december 1 , in addition to the us 10 , 000 assistance given to the " zulu children dancers , " master also rendered a contribution of us 52 , 000 for the xhosa people to rebuild single family houses and enhance the toilet and water systems in their community appendix b . a very touching story lies behind this event
在十二月一日除了给祖鲁儿童舞团美金一万元的财务捐助之外,师父也捐了52 , 000元美金给高萨族人民盖房子及加强卫浴及供水系统附件b ,这其中还有一段感人的故事。

10.In response to her prayer , ms . nokuzola said that master had come like the wind and dropped the money into her hand . ms . nokuzola commented that she was unable to adequately express her gratitude , while the xhosa people , as they have since time immemorial , expressed their happiness and gratitude to god by their beautiful songs and graceful dances

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