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  作者:恒星英语学习网     所属分类:W开头的英语单词     

wannabee 是什么意思


n. 〔美口〕对名流的狂热仰慕者,疯狂崇拜…的人;想望成功[出名、发财]的人〔系want to be之缩略〕
2.adj. 有抱负的。
an ambitious and aspiring young person; "a lofty aspirant"; "two executive hopefuls joined the firm"; "the audience was full of Madonna wannabes"
同义词:aspirant, aspirer, hopeful, wannabe,


1.By the time of the live aid concert , at which she appeared , and her high - profile wedding to actor sean penn , madonna had become an internationally recognized superstar , known to millions of tabloid newspaper readers without any interest in her music . among the fans of her work were a growing number of wannabees , teenage girls who aped her independent and don t - care stance
当麦当娜的作品还没登上排行榜的时候1984年华纳唱片公司发行了她的唱片集像个淑女like a virgin其主题曲成了麦当娜第一首荣登排行榜榜首的单曲这张专辑也登上排行榜第一的位置。

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