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  作者:恒星英语学习网     所属分类:V开头的英语单词     

vad 是什么意思


【计算机】增值与数据网络;附加数据服务通信网络〔系 value-added and data 缩略〕。


1.Error analysis of doppler radar expanded vad technique

2.Doppler radar ; vad technique

3.Tcker alla fyra horn satsningar med ett enda vad mste vara en multipel av 4
格子将可一次下注四种horn bets必须是四的倍数。

4.Annex b introduce a voice activity decision ( vad ) algorithm which class speech signal as voice signal and background noise signal
Annexb提出了一种静音压缩算法( vad ) ,它将语音信号分为话音信号和背景噪声信号。

5.Vad der waals force of the aramid fibers , favor the penetration of dyes into the fibers and increase the dye pickup

6.Those methods are discussed in the third part to find out the different , and self - adjust elevation vad methods can get more valuable wind information

7.Placerade en marker p den horisontella linjen vilken sammankopplar c och e punkterna tillter dig att tcka bde any craps och any eleven satsningar med ett enda vad
将筹码放在c及e位置之间的横线上将让您一次可下注任何craps及任何eleven 。

8.Om point r etablerad , kommer pass line satsningen utbetala 1 - till - 1 om point r upprepad fre en 7 : a . nsta del frklarar all vad och satsningsmjligheter i detalj
如果点数已建立,并且该点数于甩出7之前再度出现,那么pass line赌注支付是一比一。

9.Us computational consumption during inactive voice period arouses us of the idea to apply vad into g . 729 . chapter 3 introduces some traditional vad parameters
第四章和第五章介绍本研究的创新之处: g . 729具体改进方案的理论分析和vhdl硬件描述。

10.Based on all these above , the results of main research are as follows : ( 1 ) a voice activity detection ( vad ) algorithm based on dct band - partitioning spectral entropy is proposed
本文以此为基础,并取得了如下研究成果: ( 1 )提出了基于dct分带谱熵的语音检测算法。

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