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  作者:恒星英语学习网     所属分类:U开头的英语单词     

unassertive 是什么意思


inclined to timidity or lack of self-confidence; "a shy unassertive person"


1.Dr. todt was one of the very few modest, unassertive personalities in the government .

2.But what if those " rules " have made you into a passive , unassertive , accommodating , compliant person when you would really prefer to speak up more about your true feelings and desires

3.Used interjectionally in informal speech often to emphasize a word or phrase as in " he was , like , gorgeous " or for an apologetic , vague , or unassertive effect as in " i need to , like , borrow some money

4.Teachers viewed bullies as hot - tempered , doing poorly at school work , physically strong , always anxious , popular and thought they come from a family background which is characterized by a lot of physical punishment , inconsistent discipline , distant relationships and physical or emotional abuse ; they thought of victims as having learning difficulties , having few friends , having low self - esteem , lacking social skills , unassertive or passive , having physical disability , physically weak and being over - protected by parents . 5 . teachers recommended more positive strategies to victims
4 、中小学教师认为,与受欺负者相比,欺负者以下特征更为明显:脾气暴躁、学业不良、身体强壮、经常焦虑、受欢迎、在家庭中经受了大量的身体惩罚和身体或情感虐待、父母管教不一致、家庭关系疏远;与欺负者相比,受欺负者在下述特征上表现更为突出:有学习困难、没有朋友、低自尊、缺乏社会技能、不自信或被动、有身体缺陷、身体弱小、父母过度保护。

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