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tsugaru 是什么意思


津轻海峡〔日本北海道与本州岛之间〕 (= Tsugaru Strait)。


1.The open - air bath on the rooftop affords fine views of mt . hakodate , hakodate airport and the tsugaru straights

2.The wide windows of this bath face the open sea and overlook the dramatic landscape of the tsugaru straits and mt . hakodate in daytime , and nearby squid - fishing lamps at night

3.Like heartbeats , drumbeats are the very pulse of life . using a variety of traditional japanese percussion and string instruments , yamato celebrate the beauty of life . from thunderous roars of the o - daiko to willowy wails of the tsugaru shamisen , their music is bound to touch the very core of your soul and stir the many emotions inside your heart . so fasten your seatbelts and enjoy the ride around this rhythmic soundscape

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