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  作者:恒星英语学习网     所属分类:R开头的英语单词     

roti 是什么意思


Roti is generally a South Asian bread made from stoneground wholemeal flour, traditionally known as atta flour, that originated and is consumed in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, and Sri Lanka. It is also consumed in parts of the Southern Caribbean, particularly in Trinidad and Tobago, Guyana and Suriname.


1.Honor was a trait handed down from generation to generation in the roti family .

2.Roti liquidated all the assets he could, turned in his own last dollar .

3. "they told me once they never had recovered their loss in your bank," she informed roti .

4. "it may not be a legal debt, but it is a personal one," roti replied. "it is a debt of honor. "

5.The three-minute robbery had cost roti his business, his home, his savings, and practically all his possessions .

6.Two famous malay breakfast specials that you will enjoy are roti canai and nasi lemak

7.Roti canal is a round , flat bread made from wheat flour and is cooked on a hot plate

8." they told me once they never had recovered their loss in your bank , " she informed roti
她告诉罗迪: “他们有一回对我说,他们在你的银行中受的损失,没有得到补偿。 ”

9." it may not be a legal debt , but it is a personal one , " roti replied . " it is a debt of honor .
罗迪说: “法律上这也许不算债务,不过我个人是认帐的,这是道义上的债务。 ”

10.Singaporeans , despite their exposure to a wider availability of foreign cuisines , still crave for their chicken rice , nasi lemak and roti prata

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