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  作者:恒星英语学习网     所属分类:R开头的英语单词     

rheumatology 是什么意思


the branch of medicine dealing with the study and treatment of pathologies of the muscles or tendons or joints

Rheumatology (Greek ρε?μα, rheuma, river) is a sub-specialty in internal medicine and pediatrics, devoted to diagnosis and therapy of rheumatic diseases. Clinicians who specialize in rheumatology are called Rheumatologists.


1.Department of rheumatology , chinajapan friendship hospital , beijing 100029

2.Chinese journal of rheumatology

3.Rheumatology immunology allergy

4.Arthritis rheum 1995 ; 38 : 727 - 35 , with permission of the american college of rheumatology

5.Journal of rheumatology

6.Minutes of the 6th national academic conference of integrative traditional chinese and western medicine on rheumatology

7.American college of rheumatology preliminary definition of improvement in rheumatoid arthritis
存在骶髂关节炎的影像学证据时其敏感性增至87 . 0 % ,而特异性稍降低至86 . 7 % 。

8.4 criteria for improvement in rheumatoid arthritis : alternatives to the american college of rheumatology 20 j . j rheumatol , 2004 , 31 ( 5 ) : 856866
2查青林,林色奇,吕爱平.多元统计分析在中医证候研究中的应用探析j .江西中医学院学报, 2004 , 16 ( 6 ) : 7980

9.Reprinted from hunder gg , bloch da , michel ba , et al . the american college of rheumatology 1990 criteria for the classification of giant cell arteritis . arthritis rheum , 1990 , 33 : 1122 - 1128
A在分类诊断时,符合上述五条标准中的至少三条可诊断为巨细胞(颞)动脉炎,按此标准诊断的敏感性是93 . 5 % ,特异性是91 . 2 % 。

10.Reprinted from calabress lh , michel ba , bloch da , et al . the american college of rheumatology 1990 criteria for the classification of hypersensitivity vasculitis . arthritis rheum , 1990 , 33 : 1108 - 1113
在分类诊断时,符合上述五条标准中的至少三条可诊断为超敏性血管炎,按此标准诊断的敏感性是71 . 0 % ,特异性是83 . 9 % 。

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