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  作者:恒星英语学习网     所属分类:Q开头的英语单词     

quotable 是什么意思


-ability ,-ness n.
able or fit to be repeated or quoted; "what he said was not repeatable in polite company"; "he comes up with so many quotable phrases"

suitable for or worthy of quotation; "a quotable slogan"; "his remarks are not quotable in mixed company"


1.Quotable : " my own journey as a woman with skin of color is still happening
语录: “我是有色皮肤的女人,我将同我的肤色一直生活下去。 ”

2.One of the courses , diploma in family medicine , has recently received recognition by the medical council as a quotable qualification

3.Top gun 66 carries uncle six s stock commentaries , market forecast , investment advices and uncle six quotable quotes , which are provided to assist investors to excel in today s volatile financial market

4.Whether the region culture can work as a source of ideological and political education or support personnel - training with powerful thoughts tank , spiritual motivation and intellectual support not only relies on its background of history or its influence , but also relies on its quotable value in qualified personnel fostering

5.The quality and importance of these qualifications has been recognized by the hong kong medical council which allow them to be " quotable qualifications " . this means that doctors may include these qualifications on their signs and name card to show patients that that they have earned these qualifications , and have extra skills
而课程亦得到香港医务委员会认可为可引用的资格( quotablequalifications ) ,即完成课程的医护人士可以在其诊所内或其名片上加上这项殊荣。

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