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  作者:恒星英语学习网     所属分类:Q开头的英语单词     

quisling 是什么意思

音标:[ 'kwizliŋ ]  


卖国贼,叛国分子,傀儡政府头子〔源于挪威法西斯党魁吉斯林 (Vidkun Quisling), 他在第二次世界大战时卖国通敌,任纳粹侵占挪威后的傀儡政府头子〕。
someone who collaborates with an enemy occupying force
同义词:collaborator, collaborationist,

Quisling (; ) is a term used in reference to fascist and collaborationist political parties and military and paramilitary forces in occupied Allied countries which collaborated with Axis occupiers in World War II, as well as for their members and other collaborators.


1.It needs adjudgement even if there ' s quisling , and it ' s not your turn to kill with your dao

2.1945 vidkun quisling , the puppet premier of norway , was sentenced to death for collaboration - was executed on 24th october

3.1945 vidkun quisling , the puppet premier of norway , was sentenced to death for collaboration - was executed on 24th october

4.1945 vidkun quisling , the puppet premier of norway , was sentenced to death for collaboration - was executed on 24th october

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