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  作者:恒星英语学习网     所属分类:O开头的英语单词     

oversoul 是什么意思




1.In an ungrounded state , it is impossible to integrate new information from one ' s soul , oversoul and source

2.Now let us sit quietly and attune to our soul , oversoul and source , along with the earth mother and nature kingdoms

3.God goddess of human form will not press itself upon you ; you must request soul , oversoul and source to dance with your field

4.Ruburt has implied in [ his novel ] the education of oversoul seven that some archaeological discoveries about the past are not discovered in your present because they do not exist yet
拉伯特已在[他的小说] 《超灵七号的教育》中含蓄地指出,你们现在并没有发现一些有关过去的考古学发现,因为它们还不存在。

5.As the source and oversoul descend into the human form , and fills the form with its love and life - force , one becomes fulfilled from within with the love of god goddess all that is

6.The source and kingdom will repair the field of the mineral for continued ascension , just as one ' s own source and oversoul does so as an ascending human each night and during one ' s dreamtime recasting

7.Their pali book we tried to pawn . crosslegged under an umbrel umbershoot he thrones an aztec logos , functioning on astral levels , their oversoul , mahamahatma . the faithful hermetists await the light , ripe for chelaship , ringroundabout him
在暗褐色华盖的遮阴下,他盘腿坐在宝座上;在星界发挥机能的阿兹特克族的逻各斯148 ,他们的超灵149 ,大我150 。

8.New information that one is integrating in ascension continually pours from one ' s oversoul and source down the chakras above one ' s head and through the chakra system to one ' s akashic records , biological records , ancestral records and lineages

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