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  作者:恒星英语学习网     所属分类:O开头的英语单词     

outmatch 是什么意思


胜过,优于,强过。 be outmatched in skill 技巧方面不及别人。
be or do something to a greater degree; "her performance surpasses that of any other student I know"; "She outdoes all other athletes"; "This exceeds all my expectations"; "This car outperforms all others in its class"
同义词:surpass, outstrip, outgo, exceed, outdo, surmount, outperform,


1.We were woefully outmatched in numbers in this new mortal weapon of the air .

2.Her passion for winning a point seemed outmatched by an even stronger passion for maintaining her beauty as it was .

3.And the best of it is , hareton is damnably fond of me ! you ll own that i ve outmatched hindley there

4.Makoto encounters the love of his life in the girl called shizuru . however their relationship is of very brief duration as makoto discovers that shizuru s photographic know how outmatches his own

5.Liu bei , as mentioned in romance of the three kingdoms , with his literary talent inferior to chu geliang and military exploits not as good as guan yu and zhang fei , has his particular competence that can not be outmatched

6.The returns fetched by the competition of the two currencies , should the two countries choose to compete in monetary field , would undoubtedly be outmatched by the damage caused by it , while the cooperation of the two countries in the monetary field would not only promote the development of the economy of the two countries but also help them realize their aim of getting their currencies asianalized

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