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  作者:恒星英语学习网     所属分类:O开头的英语单词     

outbalance 是什么意思


在重量上胜过;优于,胜过;在效果上超过。 The bad in his character is outbalanced by the good. 他性格中的优点胜过缺点。
weigh more heavily; "these considerations outweigh our wishes"
同义词:preponderate, outweigh, overbalance,


1.The bad in his character is outbalanced by the good .

2.Finally , with the optimized chaos sequences , the results of software simulation on vhf - rc indicates that ds - ss outbalances the bpsk system without spread spectrum due to ber and the ds - ss with kent sequence is better than the one with golden sequence in some extend
最后本文对数字混沌序列进行了优选,在超短波中继信道模型上的仿真结果表明混沌直扩通信相比于非扩频的bpsk通信在误码率方面明显较低;相对于线性扩频码( gold序列) ,同样误码率较低。

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