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  作者:恒星英语学习网     所属分类:O开头的英语单词     

other 是什么意思

音标:[ 'ʌðə ]  


1.别的,另外的,其他的;不同的 (than; from); 其余的;另一个的。
O- people think otherwise. 别人又是另一种想法。 He has no other place to go to. 他别无去处。 on the other side of the road 在路对面。 the other thing 相反。 the other way 相反地。 the other day 上回,那天,不久前的一天。 It must be one or the other. 二者必居其一。 the other night 前几天的一个晚上。 in other times 从前。
用其他方法,另样地。 I can't do other than to go. 我不去不行。 every other 1. 每隔一(every other day 每隔一日)。2.其他的…都(every other boy 其他的孩子都)。none other than 不是别人,正是(It was none other than Jones. 不是别人正是琼斯)。 on the other hand 在另一方面,但是又。 other than 1. 与…不同,而不是。 2. 除了(any other person than yourself 除你以外的任何人。I do not wish him other than he is. 他就那样好了。a world far other from ours 和我们世界远不相同的世界)。 other things being equal 如果其他情形都一样。 the other side 〔美国〕欧洲。 the other party 【法律】对方。 the other world 来世。
(pl. others) 〔cf. another〕
2.〔the other(s)〕其余的一个,其他各人[各物]。
one or other of us 我们当中的任何一个。 Do good to others. 对他人做好事。 I must consult the others. 我必须和其余的人商量。 among others 此外还有;其中也(Smith, among others, was there. 除此之外,史密斯也在那里)。 each other 互相。 know one from the other 把二者分别清楚。 of all others 所有…当中的(on that day of all others 偏偏在那天)。 one ... the other 一方面是…,另一方面是…。 one after the other 一个接一个地;(二者)相继。 some ... or other 某一…(some man or other 某一个人(非做不可等)。Some one of us or other will be there. 我们当中总会有一个人在那里的。some time or other 总有一天,迟早。Some idiots or other have done it. 总是甚么傻瓜们干的那事)。 some others 另外什么人[什么东西](Give me some others. 给我另外的吧)。 the one ... the other 前者是…后者是〔但有时相反〕。
不是那样,用别的方法。 I can do no other than accept. 我只好接受〔除接受外别无办法〕。 If you think other than logically. 你如果不合乎逻辑地推理。
not the same one or ones already mentioned or implied; "today isn''t any other day"- the White Queen; "the construction of highways and other public works"; "he asked for other employment"; "any other person would tell the truth"; "his other books are still in storage"; "then we looked at the other house"; "hearing was good in his other ear"; "the other sex"; "she lived on the other side of the street from me"; "went in the other direction"

very unusual; different in character or quality from the normal or expected; "a strange, other dimension...where his powers seemed to fail"- Lance Morrow

belonging to the distant past; "the early inhabitants of Europe"; "former generations"; "in other times"
同义词:early, former,

recently past; "the other evening"

The Other or Constitutive Other (also the verb othering) is a key concept in continental philosophy; it opposes the Same. The Other refers, or attempts to refer, to that which is other than the initial concept being considered.


1.There are other visitors besides me .

2.But the other men were afraid to meddle .

3.They had no other choice but to surrender .

4.All other forms of food had disappeared .

5.The crown derived rents and other revenue .

6.You have nothing to say to each other .

7.Oh, it must have been that other chap .

8.If other people can do it , so can we .

9.Mr. franklin and i looked at each other .

10.Other advantages flow from the system .

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