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  作者:恒星英语学习网     所属分类:O开头的英语单词     

orphean 是什么意思




1.I hope to hear more orphean music in coming music board and share different feeling with you all

2.It is certain that the body maintains not lax , raise fitness , such ability reduce recrudescent possibility , say casually sentence not quite orphean the word that is a fact however ( i also very be afraid of ) : old the person that the part has much tuberculosis before became old get lung cancer easily . .
身体保养一定不要松懈,提高身体素质,这样才能减少复发的可能性,随便说句不太好听却是事实的话(我也很怕的) :老了有部分以前有多肺结核的人老了轻易得肺癌。 。 。

3.What doesn ' t labour have absolutely all right " business of odd inquiry mobile phone " say orphean dot sells the home to just think save trouble does not consider pair of account , saying offensive point is blackmail , he gets the remit money of a few same numbers impossibly in same day , if you are in a bank the money that collect , return your remit money odd duplicate sends him , if you can find his hypostatic store , come directly academic

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