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  作者:恒星英语学习网     所属分类:O开头的英语单词     

oriflamme 是什么意思


a red or orange-red flag used as a standard by early French kings

an inspiring symbol or ideal that serves as a rallying point in a struggle

The Oriflamme (from Latin aurea flamma, "golden flame") was the battle standard of the King of France in the Middle Ages. It was originally the sacred banner of the Abbey of St.


1.He saw them three by three , approaching girls , in green , in rose , in russet , entwining , per l aer perso in mauve , in purple , quella pacifica oriafiamma , in gold of oriflamme , di rimirar fe piu ardenti . but i old men , penitent , leadenfooted , underdarkneath the night : mouth south : tomb womb
着绿色玫瑰色枯叶色的衣服,相互搂着;穿过了这样幽暗的地方168 ,身着紫红色紫色的衣服,打着那和平的金光旗169 ,使人更加恳切地注视170的金光灿烂的军旗,走了过来。

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