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ophiuchus 是什么意思


?phiúchus, genitive


1.Furthermore , a thirteenth constellation , ophiuchus , is also in the zodiac now

2.Note : ecliptic does also go through the constellation ophiuchus , but due to historical reason , it is not included in the zodiac

3.Some important constellations are , for example , the zodiac . zodiac are the constellations that the ecliptic passes through . ophiuchus is not one of the zodiac , see

4.The astrocalendar incorporates twelve fine quality photographs on the themes of astronomy and space science , such as southern sky trails , the vela supernova remnant , rho ophiuchus and the region of antares , night view of ancient beijing observatory , the tarantulas nebula ( 30 doradus ) , sunset on mauna kea , dunhuang star charts , etc . the calendar also includes the 1987 hong kong almanac , special astronomical phenomena and important historical events of astronomy

5.The astrocalendar incorporates twelve fine quality photographs on the themes of astronomy and space science , such as southern sky trails , the vela supernova remnant , rho ophiuchus and the region of antares , night view of ancient beijing observatory , the tarantulas nebula 30 doradus , sunset on mauna kea , dunhuang star charts , etc . the calendar also includes the 1987 hong kong almanac , special astronomical phenomena and important historical events of astronomy

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