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  作者:恒星英语学习网     所属分类:O开头的英语单词     

octavo 是什么意思



(pl. -vos) 八开,八开本〔略为 8vo 或8°或oct〕;八开纸;八开页。 a cap octavo 4 1/2 ×7英寸版本。 a crown octavo 5×7 1/2?英寸版本。 an imperial octavo 8 1/4?×11 1/2?英寸版本。 a medium octavo 6×9 1/2?英寸版本。 a royal octavo 6 1/2?×10英寸版本。
the size of a book whose pages are made by folding a sheet of paper three times to form eight leaves
同义词:eightvo, 8vo,

Octavo (abbreviated 8vo or 8°) is a technical term describing the format of a book, which refers to the size of leaves produced from folding a full sheet of paper on which multiple pages of text were printed to form the individual sections (or gatherings) of a book. An octavo is a book or pamphlet made up of one or more full sheets of paper on which 16 pages of text were printed, which were then folded three times to produce eight leaves.


1.Moreover , the media processing capacity of dc 2060 is also very powerful . it can print paper of 280g m2 and paper of super - image size 320mmx480mm . it can also make color documents of octavo size ; this is especially useful in cover - making , because most books backs have certain thicknesses
此外, dc 2060的介质处理能力也很强大,可以打印280克平方米的纸张和超大画面320毫米x488毫米的纸张,制作出全出血大八开幅面的彩色文件游刃有余。

2.Warnock is active on or has served on several boards in addition to adobe , including the sundance institute , the american film institute , ebrary , mongonet , knight - ridder , octavo corporation , netscape communications , and the tech museum of innovation in san jose
Warnock还在adobe之外的多家公司或机构的董事会中任职,包括圣丹斯协会美国电影协会ebrary mongonet knight - ridder octavo corporation netscape communications以及位于美国圣何塞的技术创新博物馆。

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