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  作者:恒星英语学习网     所属分类:H开头的英语单词     

hygienics 是什么意思


the science concerned with the prevention of illness and maintenance of health


1.Preventive medicine and hygienics

2.Since twentieth century scholars all of the world have studied on the indoor thermal environment , this paper first summarizes in detail on thermal environment and thermal comfort , air - conditioning mode and energy conservation , thermal environment judge , simulation and emulation , environment physiology , preventive medicine , hygienics and epidemiology , garment etc of native and foreign countries ’ research status in quo . it introduces the mature achievement of human and environment heat transfer model , thermal environment evaluating indicators and comfort influence factors , standards of thermal comfort of the indoor environment , and some of which are researched in defence such as the thermal environment of aviation module or warship cabin of the psychologic and physiological influence on soldiers . so this paper still discusses human psychologic and physiological mechanics in thermal environment

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