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  作者:恒星英语学习网     所属分类:H开头的英语单词     

hungriness 是什么意思


strong desire for something (not food or drink); "a thirst for knowledge"; "hunger for affection"
同义词:hunger, thirst, thirstiness,

prolonged unfulfilled desire or need
同义词:longing, yearning,

a physiological need for food; the consequence of food deprivation


1.Lead to the worse of hungriness

2.It is impossible to build an economic giant on the base of a culture hungriness

3.Many academicians regard that the cause of formation of sand - dust storm mainly is the vegetation in hungriness is destroyed

4.In addition to the development of hungriness , the water environment has been destroyed greatly in west china . shortage of water resources , water pollution and depravation of water environment have become the bottle - neck which restricts the development of west china

5.The water vapor content , in all , is relatively less over the gobi and hungriness and more over the oasis ; there is " the clothesline effect " which influences the stabilization and development of the oasis at the margin of the oasis or the long and narrow protection forest through the deserts or in the neighborhood of the river and the aqueduct
戈壁沙漠上空水汽含量相对较少,绿洲上空水汽含量相对较大;绿洲边缘或通过沙漠的窄长护林带、河流以及水渠附近,存在着影响绿洲稳定和发展的“晒衣绳效应” 。

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