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hexaploid 是什么意思




1.They are complex polyploids, being partly tetraploid and partly hexaploid .

2.Studies on the hexaploid interspecific hybrid and its backcross with cultivars in strawberry

3.Study on heterosis and combining ability of male sterile system of hexaploid triticale with t . timopheevi cystoplasm

4.Because of the huge genome and high ratio of repeat sequences in hexaploid wheat ( triticum aestivum ) , identifying and cloning of genes with important functions from wheat meet many difficulties

5.Stoma of polyploids ( include hexaploid and octoploid ) were larger and spaced father apart on the undersurface than diploids , the stoma density of triploids and tetraploids were 60 - 70 % of corresponding diploids , and the stoma density of hexaploids and octoploids were 30 - 40 % of diploids
73为三倍体和四倍体区别于二倍体共有的特征带; itrai 70为四倍体的特征带。 sod同工酶酶活性较弱,共分离6条带, ro

6.Distribution zone of diploid individual are the most extensive in china , while no tetraploid plant is found north of 40 degree north latitude , and hexaploid populations distribute mainly along the changj iang river , is found only in three populations in the yunnan - guzhou plateau . the hexaploid cytotype of var
4细胞地理学研究表明,二倍体占据我国最广大区域,而四倍体分布区的北界则向南迁至40 n ,六倍体主要分布于25 n - 33 n的狭长地带,八倍体则在云贵高原中部及东部边缘零星分布。

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