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hawksbill 是什么意思


pugnacious tropical sea turtle with a hawk-like beak; source of food and the best tortoiseshell
同义词:hawksbill turtle, hawkbill, tortoiseshell turtle, Eretmochelys imbricata,


1.Stranding of hawksbill turtle at island house

2.Hawksbill turtle is one of the four marine turtle species occurs in hong kong waters , and the others are green , leatherback and olive ridley turtles

3.Although sightings of live and dead hawksbill turtle were reported in 1993 , 1998 and 2001 , there is no record of nesting in hong kong

4.As little is known about hawksbill turtle , information includes sighting and stranding could help to understand their ecology in hong kong

5.There are pearl , hawksbill turtle , corals and punched shell for your choice . shopping here , you will breathe the fresh and humid air from sea

6.On 25 april 2004 , a twelve to 14 inches long hawksbill turtle , eretmochelys imbricata , was found stranded on a beach at our wwf island house conservation studies centre in tai po

7.Locally , hawksbill turtle is protected by the wild animal protection ordinance cap 170 and animals and plants protection of endangered species ordinance cap 187

8.A passer - by of the studies centre sighted 5 turtles including the stranded hawksbill turtle crawled onto the beach , and four returned to the sea on 24 april 2004

9.Major threats to hawksbill turtle are habitat destruction and alternation by coastal development , over - exploitation for meat , hides , eggs and shells , and incidental capture in fisheries

10.The good news for conservationists is that the malaysian government wants to buy the island and turn it into a sanctuary for the hawksbill turtle , whose numbers have fallen by 80 percent in the last 100 years , according to the world conservation union

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