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  作者:恒星英语学习网     所属分类:E开头的英语单词     

endometritis 是什么意思


inflammation of the lining of the uterus (of the endometrium)


1.Endometritis is a cause of infertility .

2.Analysis on treatment of 86 cases of ovarian endometritis cyst through vaginal ultrasonography

3.Seen here is chronic endometritis with lymphocytes and plasma cells in the endometrial stroma

4.The treatment of endometritis , pyometra , vaginitis , cervicitis , puerperal disorders , and local bleeding from the uterus , acutemastitis , fester

5.It is applied to the female vulvitis caused by different kinds of pathogenic microorganism , colpitis , cervicitis , cervical erosion , endometritis , pelvic inflammatory disease , adnexitis , oophoritis , vaginal prutitus , disorder of the leucorrhea and various kinds of gynecology diseases which haven ' t been cured for a long time ; it is endowed with the function of antibiosis , relieving itching , moist , contracting the vagina , removing the foreign flavor and long nursing

6.It refers to vaginal looseness , vaginal abnormal flavor , leucorrhea with red and white discharge , senile vaginitis , trichomonal vaginitis , colpomycosis , pruritus vulvae , pelvic inflammation , endometritis , appendagitis , cervical erosion , hysteromyoma , ovarian cyst , polypus , irregular menses , algomenorrhea and related complaints , excessive excretion , cervicitis , mycoplasma infection , endocrine disturbance and the symptoms caused by these diseases including pain in inferior belly , menoxenia , dysmenorrheal , pruritus vulvae , leucorrhea with abnormal flavor , gloomy vultus with moth - patch , etc

7.Serviceable range it refers to vaginal looseness , vaginal abnormal flavor , leucorrhea with red and white discharge , senile vaginitis , trichomonal vaginitis , colpomycosis , pruritus vulvae , pelvic inflammation , endometritis , appendagitis , cervical erosion , hysteromyoma , ovarian cyst , polypus , irregular menses , algomenorrhea and related complaints , excessive excretion , cervicitis , mycoplasma infection , endocrine disturbance and the symptoms caused by these diseases including pain in inferior belly , menoxenia , dysmenorrheal , pruritus vulvae , leucorrhea with abnormal flavor , gloomy vultus with moth - patch , etc

8.Range of application it is applied to the female vulvitis caused by different kinds of pathogenic microorganism , colpitis , cervicitis , cervical erosion , endometritis , pelvic inflammatory disease , adnexitis , oophoritis , vaginal prutitus , disorder of the leucorrhea and various kinds of gynecology diseases which haven ' t been cured for a long time ; it is endowed with the function of antibiosis , relieving itching , moist , contracting the vagina , removing the foreign flavor and long nursing

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