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  Section B
  Passage One
  【26】A credit card permits its holders to buy goods or obtain services without immediate payment. Possession of a card identifies the owner, who can obtain consumer credit. 【27】Each card has an account number which is recorded by the seller, who sends it to a central billing office. 【28】The office calculates the total price of purchases by the card holder during the month and sends him a bill. The buyer sends his check to the central office, which allocates the money to establishments extending credit.
  Credit cards were used in some American stores during the 1920s, but they did not gain wide acceptance. In 1938 rival American oil companies issued them to consumers and established a national pool to honor each company’s card. This was the start of the credit card’s popularity.
  Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you’ve just heard.
  26. What does a credit card permit its holders to do?
  27. What does each credit card have?
  28. What does a central billing office do?
  26. 答案A
  27. 答案C
  28. 答案D
  解析:选项是关于某种东西的功能。听力接下来提到billing office,随后讨论它的功能,计算持卡人每月的总花费,并寄给他一个账单。选项C是个干扰项,是购买者把支票寄给billing office。
  Passage Two
  【29】In western culture music is regarded as good by birth, and sounds that are welcome are said to be "music to the ears". In some other cultures for example, Islamic culture——it is of low value, associated with sin and evil. In the West and in the high cultures of Asia, it is said that there are three types of music. First, 【30】classical music, composed and performed by trained professionals originally under the support of courts and religious establishments; second, folk music, shared by the population at large and passed on orally; and third, 【30】popular music, performed by professionals, spread through radio, television, records, films, and print, and consumed by the urban mass public.
  Music is a major component in religious services, theatre, and entertainment of all sorts. 【31】The most universal use of music is as a part of religious ritual. Another less obvious function of music is social adherence. Music also symbolizes military, patriotic and funeral moods and events. In a more general sense, music may express the central social values of a society. In western music, the interrelationship of conductor and orchestra symbolizes the need for strong cooperation among various kinds of specialists in a modern industrial society.
  Questions 29 to 31 are based on the passage you’ve just heard.
  29. In what culture is music regarded as good by birth?
  30. Which of the following is performed by professionals?
  31. According to the passage, what is the most universal use of music?
  29. 答案C
  解析:考生已经确定本篇听力的主题是音乐,所以从选项中可以推测问题是关于音乐的功能。听力第二段一开始,讲到音乐最普遍的功能是宗教仪式的一部分。选项A、B、C都是音乐的功能,却不是本篇听力认为的the most universal use of music。
  Passage Three
  William Shakespeare was christened in the market town of Stratford on Avon, Warwickshire, 【32】on April 26, 1564; traditionally; his actual birthday was three days earlier, on St. George’s day, the same day as his death fifty-two years later. His father, John, was a respected middle-class trader, and his mother, Mary Arden, came from a family of local landowners. It seems probable that young William received a fair education (for his day) at the local Grammar School; 【33】at the age of eighteen he married a girl eight years older than himself, Anne Hathaway, who gave him a child the following year and twins in 1585. Little else is known of his early life, and so we cannot tell what made him decide to leave Stratford in 1586 for London, where he stayed until 1611. 【34】In London he must soon have attracted attention, because by 1592 he was a popular enough writer and actor to be laughed at by an older dramatist as an uneducated Jack of all trades. He is mentioned as being among the principal actors of the city as early as 1598, and 【35】in 1599 we find that he is a member of the company running the Globe Theater, with one-tenth interest in the profits—showing a business sense rarely seen in his fellow writers. His popularity is indicated by the fact that not only were his own plays published under his name, which was a rare procedure in his day, but also plays by others are to be found attributed to him, as if to indicate that his name alone would promise a good sale.
  Questions 32 to 35 are based on the passage you’ve just heard.
  32. When did William Shakespeare die?
  33. When did Shakespeare and his wife have their first child?
  34. Which one can we infer from the article?
  35. Which of the following is true?
  解析:选项讨论Shakespeare是否有经济头脑。听力篇章靠后讲,Shakespeare经营the Globe Theater,拥有十分之一的利润,这表明他很有经济头脑。
  Section C
  解析:不定冠词a的后面应该使用可数名词,再加上后面的动词put forward,考生可以推测缺少的名词是关于“建议,提议”的,proposal是propose的名词,以-al结尾。
  解析:help to do sth.的结构让考生判断空白处可能是个动词。根据上下文,这个提议是帮助缓解交通阻塞问题的。动词relieve表示“缓解压力”,考生要注意relief是名词,此处要用动词。
  44.答案There has been so much publicity in recent years regarding the high level of noise near airports
  45.答案 The fact remains that increasing numbers of people want to travel by air and will accept somewhat slower flights
  46.答案it’s a question of compromise between the travelers and the local inhabitants.
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