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  1. Paragraph 2 ______________
  2. Paragraph 6 ______________
  3. Paragraph 7 ______________
  4. Paragraph 8 ______________

  A. Quicker recovery from illness
  B. A longer life
  C. From good health to optimism
  D. A positive way of understanding reality
  E. Optimism and pessimism
  F. Optimists with illusions

  5. Some scholars did not believe ______________.
  6. How long one can live partly depends on ______________.
  7. An optimist does not necessarily try ______________.
  8. An experiment showed that optimists were ______________.

  A. to avoid unpleasant things in life
  B. in looking on the bright side of life
  C. less likely to catch cold
  D. how one looks on life
  E. to be unhappy all the time
  F. more likely to get cancer

  1.B 本段点出了本文的中心思想:乐观者往往活得更长。
  2.A 本段说明乐观者病好得快。
  3.C 本段侧重强调良好的健康状况对保持乐观的作用。
  4.D 本段肯定了乐观者对待现实的态度,选项F的口吻是否定的,所以应选选项D。
  5.B 答案的根据在第一段:叔本华和弗洛伊德都不赞成乐观态度。
  6.D 此选项与全文中心思想吻合。
  7.A 答案的根据是第八段的第一句话:乐观不等于无视现实;关键是如何看待现实。
  8.C 答案的根据是文章的结尾部分描述的一项实验。

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