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  Approaches to Understanding Intelligences

  It pays to be smart, but we are not all smart in the same way. You may be a talented musician,but you might not be a good reader. Each of us is different. Psychologists disagree about what is intelligence and what are talents or personal abilities. Psychologists have two different views on intelligence. Some believe there is one general intelligence. Others believe there are many different intelligences.

  Some psychologists say there is one type of intelligence that can be measured with IQ tests.

  These psychologists support their view with research that concludes that people who do well on one kind of test for mental ability do well on other tests. They do well on tests using words,numbers or pictures. They do well on individual or group tests, and written or oral tests. Those who do poorly on one test, do the same on all tests.

  Studies of the brain show that there is a biological basis for general intelligence. The brain of intelligent people use less energy during problem solving. The brain waves of people with higher intelligence show a quicker reaction. Some researchers conclude that differences in intelligence result from differences in the speed and effectiveness of information processing by the brain.

  Howard Gardner, a psychologist at the Harvard School of Education, has four children. He believes that all children are different and shouldn't be tested by one intelligence test. Although Gardner believes general intelligence exists, he doesn't think it tells much about the talents of a person outside of formal schooling. He thinks that the human mind has different intelligences.

  These intelligences allow us to solve the kinds of problems we are presented with in life. Each of us has different abilities within these intelligences. Gardner believes that the purpose of school should be to encourage development of all of our intelligences.

  Gardner says that his theory is based on biology. For example, when one .part of the brain is injured, other parts of the brain still work. People who cannot talk because of brain damage can still sing. So, there is not just one intelligence to lose. Gardner has identified 8 different kinds of intelligence: linguistic, mathematical, spatial, musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, body-kinesthetic( 身体动觉的), and naturalistic.

  31. What is the main idea of this passage?

  A. How to understand intelligence.

  B. The importance of intelligence.

  C. The development of intelligence tests.

  D. How to become intelligent.

  32. Which of the following statements is true concerning general intelligence?

  A. Most intelligent people do well on some intelligence tests.

  B. People doing well on one type of intelligence test do well on other tests.

  C. Intelligent people do not do well on group tests.

  D. Intelligent people do better on written tests than on oral tests.

  33. Gardner believes that

  A. children have different intelligences

  B. all children are alike

  C. children should take one intelligence test

  D. there is no general intelligence

  34. According to Gardner, schools should __________.

  A. test students' IQs

  B. train students who do poorly on tests

  C. focus on finding the most intelligent students

  D. promote development of all intelligences

  35. Gardner thinks that his theory has a __________.

  A. musical foundation

  B. biological foundation

  C. intrapersonal foundation

  D. linguistic foundation


  Compact Disks

  If someone says to you your music CDs don't really hold any music on them, and they only have numbers recorded on them, you may not believe it. In fact, he is right in that sound is actually recorded onto the CDs as special numbers--a digital code. The code is pressed onto the CD as bumps ( 隆起 )on a long spiral track almost five kilometers long. These bumps are an average of 0.5 microns (微米) wide.

  A small laser beam shines onto the bumps as the CD turns. The light is reflected back to a receiver that records how the laser light bounces back. This lets the CD player turn the reflected light back into the original code. This means you can hear the original code as music.

  Digital codes are used with many technologies. E-mail needs these kinds of code numbers.

  Space probes (探测仪) communicate with their ground station on earth using digital codes. Bar codes are read as digital codes in computer systems. Digital communications with cell phones need digital codes. Weather radios also tune in to specific signals using these codes.

  There are many types of compact disks. One format is called CD-RWs. They can be recorded on and re-recorded on (rewritten on) as you would do with a floppy disk (软盘). Another format is the CD-ROM. The technology for recording on these disks is different from other CDs. These CDs have a dye layer that the CD writer can darken or leave clear. The clear and dark spots are the digital code. CD-ROM stands for Compact Disc--Read Only Memory. This disk is like a "super"floppy disk that can hold lots of information. One CD-ROM can hold the same amount of data as 500 floppy disks. Information is permanently recorded onto it. Computer games and other programs are

  considered to be CD-ROMs.

  CDs were first sold to the public in 1982. These CDs still play well and sound fine. Current CDs are expected to last between 70 to 200 years. Of course, you can make sure your CDs last a long time by taking care of them.

  Science keeps on developing. It may not be many more years before a completely new technology is invented and introduced to the public for music recording. In the meantime, there is no doubt you will continue to enjoy listening to your favorite music on CDs and playing your favorite computer games on CD-ROMs.

  36. Music is recorded onto CDs as __________.

  A. laser beams

  B. digital codes

  C. musical notes

  D. special sounds

  37. E-mail is mentioned in the third paragraph to show __________.

  A. the variety of digital communications

  B. the development of new technologies

  C. the usefulness of digital codes

  D. the relationship between communication and technology

  38. One of the differences between CD-RWs and CD-ROMs is __________.

  A. CD-ROMs can be used for longer time

  B. CD-ROMs cannot be rewritten on

  C. CD-RWs hold more information

  D. CD-RWs are merely used for music recording

  39. CDs can last a long time if__________.

  A. they are seldom used

  B. they play well and sound fine

  C. their users take good care of them

  D. they are developed with new technology

  40. It can be inferred from the passage that __________.

  A. CD-ROMs are more expensive than other CDs

  B. new technology for music recording is being developed

  C. the author likes listening to music

  D. floppy disks are no longer in use



  Music is one of the most beautiful forms of artistic expressions ever invented. In movies and plays, music has an added function: it not only moves people but also can shock people.

  Our eardrums can withstand sound within 20 to 80 decibels (分贝 ) . Once sound exceeds this limit, even beautiful music will become car-splitting noise and harm health. A strong blast ( 响声 ) of high sound can twist and break a solid iron sheet. High sound of 150 decibels can kill a healthy rat.

  In movies, sometimes the hero can produce a sound that ordinary people can't hear and only those who have the same ability can feel. In nature, there is actually sound that is beyond our hearing. In physics, the sound that exceeds 20,000 hz is called ultrasonic (超音波的). Dolphins,whales and bats can make such high-frequency sound. It does no harm to health.

  Sound less than 20 hz is called infrasonic ( 次声 ) waves. When we move, the air will vibrate.

  The vibration of air can produce infrasonic waves. As the frequency of infrasonic waves is close to that of people's internal organs, infrasonic wave may cause resonance (共振) in human bodies. As a result, people's vision may weaken and internal organs may rupture (断裂). However, whether an infrasonic wave can be used as a weapon depends on its intensity. If its intensity is very low, it won't damage internal organs or a person's health. If the intensity of infrasonic wave exceeds 160 decibels, it is extremely harmful. When wind blows at a force of 3 or 4 over the sea, it will produce infrasonic waves of several decibels. Only typhoons can produce infrasonic waves of over 100 decibels. At present, scientists can only produce infrasonic weapons in the lab with the help of advanced scientific tools and powerful electric power.

  41. What could be the best title of the passage?

  A. The power of music.

  B. The harms of noises.

  C. The magic of sound.

  D. The discovery of infrasonic waves.

  42. What does the author say about music?

  A. It may be harmful to people's health.

  B. It always cheers people up.

  C. It is very often difficult to understand.

  D. It sounds better when it is loud enough.

  43. It is ture that the sound__________.

  A. of nature is the most beautiful

  B. of high intensity benefits animals

  C. in movies is pleasing to the ear

  D. over 80 decibels is harmful to people

  44. An ultrasonic sound__________.

  A. is very loud

  B. does harm to people's health

  C. is produced by the hero in movies

  D. cannot be heard by people

  45. It can be found from the last paragraph that infrasonic waves __________.

  A. are harmless to people's health

  B. exist in people's intemal organs

  C. can be used as deadly weapons

  D. can improve eyesight
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