
英语口语畅谈世界文化之美国96:General Electric通用电气公司mp3

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96 General Electric 通用电气公司

M1 :Man l         M2 :Man 2
M1:男人1       M2:男人2

M1 : I'm filling out a job application form, an excellent job. I hope I stand a chance.
M1 : 我正在填写一份求职申请表,是份不错的工作。我希望能把握住机会。

M2 : What company is it for?
M2: 是什么公司?

M1: General Electric or GE. They are a massive, Nobel Prize winning American company. Have you heard of them?
M1: 是通用电气公司。他们是家规模宏大,得过诺贝尔奖的美国公司。你听说过吗?

M2: Yes, of course! It's a very well known company.  It was founded in 1876 by Thomas Edison arid their first product was his Light bulb invention.
M2: 是的,当然听说过。这是家很有名的公司。1876年由托马斯·爱迪生创立,第一个产品是爱迪生发明的灯泡。

M1: Actually it was called "The Edison Electric Light".  And GE's first name was "The Edison Electric Light Company".
M1: 实际上这种电灯当时叫“爱迪生电灯”。通用电气公司的第一个名字叫“爱迪生电灯公司”.

M2 :I see. I  know that in 1879 they invented the " Dynamo" ,  which could power a whole neighbourhood's lighting.
M2: 我明了。我知道1879年他们发明了发电机,可以用来为周围整个地区提供照明电力。

M1: That's right, a very useful invention. Then,  in 1890 they built their first Lamp factory, so they began producing in Large numbers.
M1: 是这样,这项发明很有用。接着在1890年,他们建立了第一个灯泡厂,从此开始大量生产灯泡。

M2 : So.  it was after that thar General Electric was formed?
M2: 那之后就成立了通用电气公司,是吧?

M1: Yes, in 1892, by merging the Edison Electric Company and che Thomson-Houston Company.
M1: 是的,1892年爱迪生电器公司和托马斯一休斯敦公司合井,在此基础上成立了通用电气公司。

M2: That was when they branched out into X-ray machines, then. Also a very important discovery. And consequently, they began their research in a newly built lab. They also were the first to manufacture televisions. also another important thing in my opinion
M2: 那时他们扩大规模,推出了X光射线机。这义是一项重要的发明。随后,他们开始在一个新建的实验室傲研究。他们也是最早生产电视机的公司。我自己认为电视机也是一项很重要的发明。

M1: You watch too much TV! They produced so many other things. including electric fans, steam turbines. planes, the first electric toasters . . .
M1: 你电视看得太多了.他们还发明了其它好多东西,包括电风扇、蒸汽涡轮、飞机、第一个电烤箱…..

M2: And they even got into commercial finance, to provide loans to small utilities. Then into broadcasting. with the first ever radio broadcast. Later, they made Trans-Oceanic Radio Communication. so that America could contact their allies overseas.
M2: 他们甚至还参与商业资金项日,向小型公用事业公司提供贷款。接着,他们跟第一个无线电广播公司合作搞广播事业。后来,他们又成立了一个越洋无线通信公司,使美国能够跟他们的海外同盟联系。

M1: They also were pioneers in electric trains that could pull heavy loads. Of course after that  "Hotpoint" began.
M1: 他们还是研制电动火车的领头羊,该火车能承载重物。当然,这是在“热点”系列之后才开始研制的.

M2 : The Hotpoint range is still available, my washing machine is a Hotpoint.  They were the first to produce fridges too, a design we sometimes still use today. In the 1930s they started making air conditioners, too.
M2: 有些“热点”系列产品至今还在使用。我的洗衣机就是一个热点产品。他们还是第一家生产冰箱的公司,这是一项我们今天仍在使用的发明设计。到了20世纪30年代他们又开始生产空调。

M1: Did you know they invented microwaves in 1918? So long ago! That really revolutionised cooking. Nowadays everyone has one in their kitchen
M1: 你知道吗?他们在1918年发明了微波炉?那是很久以前了!微波炉真的使烹饪发生了彻底的变化,现在每家厨房都放有一个微波炉。

M2: From jet engines to news and information, GE can provide us with everything.  What an incredible company to work for.
M2: 从喷气发动机到新闻和信息,通用电气公司给我们提供了一切。能去这样一家公司上班,该有多好啊,、

M1: I certainly think so, I hope I get the job.
M1: 我当然也是这么认为的,希望我能得到这份工作。


fill out填号
branch out into业务扩晨,推出
stand a chance把握机会
provide loans to…  向……提供贷款


通用电气公司(General Electric Company,简称GE,NYSE:GE),世界上最大的提供技术和服务业务的跨国公司。GE是在公司多元化发展当中,较为出色的跨国公司。目前,公司业务遍及世界100多个国家,拥有员工315,000人。现任董事长及首席执行官(CEO)是杰夫·伊梅尔特。

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