

Source: 恒星英语学习网    2016-06-20  我要投稿   论坛   Favorite  


1. —You’ve made great progress in your studies of English, haven’t you?

—Yes, but much ________.

A. remains to do                                        B. is remained to do

C. remains to be done                            D. is remained to be done

2. This story ________ in small village in 1968.

A. was happened       B. happen                C. was taken place    D. took place

3. —What about the books?

—Books of this kind ________ well.

A. sell                      B. sells                     C. are sold               D. is sold

4. The Crystal Palace ________ in Hyde Park for the Great Exhibition of 1851.

A. is built                 B. was built              C. has been built       D. will be built

5. It was said that other possibilities ________ at the meeting the day before yesterday.

A. were never paid attention                     B. were never paying attention to

C. never paid attention to                        D. were never paid attention to

6. Judging from what she said, she seemed to ________ it before.

A. tell about             B. be told about        C. have told about     D. have been told about 

7. Get ________, everyone. The meeting is to begin.

A. seat                     B. seated                  C. sitting                  D. sat

8. It was almost midnight that a fire ________ in the neighborhood.

A. broke out             B. was broken out     C. is breaking out     D. is broken out

9. By the end of next July, the new road ________.

A. will be completed                            B. will have completed 

C. will have been completed                      D. has been completed

10. Mary ________ in a traffic jam and by the time she arrived at the airport her mother’s plane ________.

A. caught; took off                             B. was caught; had always taken off

C. was catching; was taken off                    D. had caught; had always been taken off

11. The boy was paid for washing the windows, most of which ________ for at least a year.

A. hadn’t been cleaned                              B. weren’t cleaned   

C. haven’t been cleaned                            D. aren’t cleaned

12. These six kitchens________ when the plane is full of passengers.

A. are all needed       B. were all needed     C. is all needed         D. will be needed all

13. Please clean the windows as they are too dirty to________.

A. be seen through    B. see through          C. to see                  D. seeing through

14. ________ an exhibition of paintings ________ at the museum next week?

A. will; be held         B. will; held             C. would; be held     D. was; to hold

15. A book which ________ by many Americans today is “Future Shock” by Alvin Toffler.

A. is still being discussed                           B. is still discussing  

C. still discussed                                       D. discusses

16. We discussed when the general meeting of the whole staff ________.

A. will be held          B. are going to be held C. would hold        D. was to be held

17. This skirt is getting dirty; it needs________.

A. to wash                B. to be washing       C. being washed       D. washing.

18. Our chief attention ________ on economic development.

A. should be focused                                 B. should focus         C. should be focusing       D. be focused

19. When and where to build the dinning- room ________.

A. has not been decided                             B. is not decided      

C. was not decided                                    D. has not decided

20. In our country the workers in the factory usually get ________ by the month.

A. paid                    B. paying                 C. pay                     D. to pay

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