

Source: 恒星英语学习网    2014-08-21  我要投稿   论坛   Favorite  

Fujian province and the Guangxi zhuang autonomous region have seen torrential rain over the past two days, which brought mudslides to rural areas, making life difficult in the cities.

In the city of Sanming in Fujian, rising water levels turned one family’s house into an isolated island. Roads were destroyed, and firefighters had to use ropes to get around. Finally, after hours of rescue work, the firefighters were able to get the family off the house.

This was a story seen time and again in other low lying villages. Relocation for residents continued to Wednesday’s midnight, with the potential dangers of landslides on the increase.

The bad weather has also led to water loggings in quite a few cities in Guangxi. Traffic was disrupted, and extra attention was needed for people trying to cross the road.


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