

Source: 恒星英语学习网    2014-08-18  我要投稿   论坛   Favorite  

Beijing has set out a six-year timeline to tackle air pollution. Coal sales and use are to be banned first in two main districts next year, and the whole city by 2020. Climate change experts have applauded the move.

At war against pollution. Beijing has issued new and tough measures to improve its air quality. Coal use will be banned in six main districts, and replaced by clean energy such as electricity and natural gas by 2020. A specialist with the international non-profit Climate Group, is positive about the commitment the city is showing.

The Chinese capital is facing a serious air pollution problem. Last year, Beijing recorded 189 smoggy days, mostly in winter and spring when heating, mostly coal-powered, is provided.

Environmental Bureau statistics show that coal accounted for a quarter of Beijing’s energy consumption in 2012 and 22 percent of the fine particles floating in the city’s air. Motor vehicles, industrial production and general dust also contribute to pollution.

The new measures will bring down coal consumption to less than 10 percent by 2017. Other high-pollution fuels, such as fuel oil, petroleum coke, combustible waste and some biomass fuel will be also banned. In the long run, Wu says the city needs to address all its sources of pollutants.

Beijing’s measures so far are the toughest among Chinese cities. By stopping coal burning throughout the city, Beijing is taking an important step in the government’s arduous battle against pollution.


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