

Source: 恒星英语学习网    2014-06-13  我要投稿   论坛   Favorite  

In China, education is a top priority for parents because they believe it’s the only way in which their children can develop their abilities. And besides studying in school, children are expected to learn extra skills to improve their competitiveness. So what is a typical day for a ten-year-old primary school student like?

When the sun just came out at 6:20, 10-year-old Han Baoxuan started her busy day as usual. After a quick refreshing by brushing her teeth and washing her face, it’s time to read her textbook out loud. Baoxuan’s mom was also racing against time, preparing a nutritious breakfast for her daughter. Baoxuan loves singing Yu opera. So she moved to the next phase, doing a 10-minute vocalism after reading the books.

"Morning is always tight. But I’m used to it." Han said.

To make it more convenient and time saving, Baoxuan’s parents bought a small apartment near the primary school. Only ten-minute drive would take her there. At 8:00, the first class started right on time. Baoxuan is very good at her study. Her results always keep within Top five. Never ever out of it, even when she was once acting in the local movie for two months.

"We have many classes every day. But I don’t think it’s hard to spend the whole day. If you really listen to it, you’ll find it pass very quickly." Han said.

The school was over at 5 pm. But it didn’t mean that it was time to relax for Baoxuan. The final exam of the spring semester is soon coming. So a whole lot of homework was waiting for her. The dinner was not ready yet. Baoxuan then practiced the piano after finishing her homework. She’s her parents’ good girl. She knows she has to be very diligent so that she won’t let them down.

"I’m so proud of her. I know Chinese parents nowadays give so many burdens on their children. But all I hope is that my little girl can live happily as she wants. She asked herself to learn the Yu opera, the piano, Guzheng, and acting, because she loves them. She can find happiness in them." Han’s mother Wang Xiaohong said.

Baoxuan is not alone. She seldom plays with her classmates outside school, because they’re busy learning extra skills. But not everyone is as lucky as Baoxuan. At least she enjoys what she learns and has a great fun.

Chinese parents believe the more special knowledge or skills their children acquire the greater will be their chances of getting admitted to a top school. But today an increasing number of people realize the importance of developing children’s morals, intelligence, physical fitness, and aesthetics. And those are what the children most need to build when growing up.


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