

Source: 恒星英语学习网    2014-05-14  我要投稿   论坛   Favorite  

War can leave untold scars on the people who survive them, and even generations born later on. But there's one Palestinian artist who is looking to transform the weapons of war, into something less violent and destructive. This unusual artist is turning explosive devices and empty shells used in the Gaza conflict, into handicrafts and works of art. Each piece carries a story and a message of hope for the troubled region.

An attempt to create something positive from the shells of trauma...

The pieces are part of Mohammad al-Zumar's home collection, where war meets art at the Bureij refugee camp, in the central Gaza Strip.

This piece is a series of cartridges with names of Gaza children killed in conflict.

In another piece, the words "still standing" are painted over the canister.

Or an explosive device wrapped as a Valentine's gift.

For the past three years this unemployed father of two has been transforming used explosive devices into artworks.

Red, green and black - colours of the Palestinian flag - dominate his palette, like in an exploded bomb bearing the words "Pain Talks".

As if to prove the point, Al-Zumar bandages another used device and pours red disinfectant over it.

Al-Zumar picks the empty shells up from the ground, brings them home and lets his creativity go free. Collecting used weapons was initially challenging, he says, because everyone in Gaza who had been affected by bombings would keep the shells or exploded devises.

Al-Zumar hasn't received any formal art training, but says that as a child he loved drawing and creating crafts from materials like wood and iron. For the moment the shaded porch of his home serves as an exhibition space for friends, family and journalists who come to see his artwork.


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