

Source: 恒星英语学习网    2014-05-09  我要投稿   论坛   Favorite  

And as China rapidly changes, every generation grows up in a contrastingly different social environment from another. The post-80s generation is perhaps the most characteristic of the shifts in the country. They were born as China began on its road to reform, and grew up just as the country itself was rising.

Wang Jiwei is an avid skateboarder. Whenever he’s not working, he is on his board. He started just a year ago, and now, he devotes at least two hours each day to it.

Today Wang is inviting us to an exciting skateboarding contest. Before that, he must make sure his equipment is fully ready.

It’s a voluntary gathering of a dozen enthusiasts like him. With very few professional venues in China, they get together on steep mountain paths and watch each other’s back.

Except speed and skill, they also compete on endurance. It’s a small community sharing a common passion. These youths don’t know or ask about each others’ jobs, families or any personal information. Some aren’t even aware of each others’ names.

We call each other weird little buddies. We are strangers in many senses. But we feel our relationship is closer than many others, including with some of my relatives and colleagues. This relationship is simple, pure, with no burden of practical benefits. It’s a group of youngsters actively choosing and sharing similar lifestyles.

Wang’s generation grew up in an education system which promoted collectivism and encouraged individuals to fit into the mainstream.

But as the country becomes more diversified than ever, more and more young people are rebelling against this, and are making their own lifestyle choices.

Wang’s day job is composing music for movies. Like many young Chinese, he works hard to reach that brighter future.

But as he says, since his boss decides what he does in the eight hours at the office, he must decide for himself how to live the other sixteen hours of the day.


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