

Source: 恒星英语学习网    2014-05-08  我要投稿   论坛   Favorite  

Guiyang, the capital of Guizhou province, is long known for its numerous ethnic minority festivals. One of the most famous and influential is the "Si Yue Ba" festival. It falls on the eighth day of the lunar April, and it's a time for the Miao people to pay homage to their heroes.

According to Miao people, the eighth day of the fourth lunar month was the day Yalu, one ancient Miao hero sacrificed his life during the war against invaders. And to commemorate him, locals get into costumes and hold performances that each have their own character during the festival.

On this day, large numbers of Miao people put on beautiful costumes and congregate in the central area of the city, where they celebrate by singing and dancing. Now, it's also a public carnival for Han Chinese and the ethnic minorities inhabiting Guiyang, creating an opportunity to enjoy China's various national cultures at the same time.

Among the festivities, “Climbing to the Blade Ladder” and “Treading upon Fire” are two thrilling performances not to be missed. The Miao people also prepare a special treat called Wufan, which is made of dyed glutinous rice.

Also during the festival, young Miao women sing love songs, cook the "festival rice" and offer tokens of love to their admirers, a tradition that makes this the oldest 'Valentine's Day' in China.


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