

Source: CCTV9    2014-04-19  我要投稿   论坛   Favorite  

Beijing is about to host its first ever IMAX Film Panorama. It's part of the 4th Beijing International Film Festival and includes six blockbuster movies and four films about popular science.

Gracing this year’s Film Festival in Beijing are six IMAX blockbusters, including the Transformers movies, The Avengers, Gravity and The Grandmaster.

IMAX has made major inroads into the Chinese market, attracting much attention from the film and cultural industries here.

In 2010, IMAX joined hands with Huayi Brothers and produced the first home-made IMAX film "Aftershock", directed by Feng Xiaogang. It’s not only the first Chinese IMAX film, but the first IMAX film outside the American film market. In 2011, the second Chinese IMAX film "Beginning of the Great Revival" hit the screen.

In October 2013, IMAX and TCL Multimedia Group signed an agreement in Los Angeles to establish the TCL-IMAX Entertainment Company, to jointly develop the home theatre entertainment business. And on April 8th of this year, the IMAX Film Panorama was introduced for the first time to the Beijing International Film Festival.

This year, a new Chinese IMAX blockbuster called "Coming Home" and directed by Zhang Yimou will hit the big screen in May.


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