
Windows XP仍然是中国最流行的操作系统

Source: CCTV9    2014-04-10  我要投稿   论坛   Favorite  

In markets such as the US, Windows XP is gradually being phased out by PC users. While in China, you may wonder who is still using an operating system released over a decade ago. Turns out, a lot of people.

Latest data from Chinese Internet analytics company CNZZ shows Windows XP consistently ranks as the most popular operating system across the country. As of last month, its market share was over 50 percent, followed by Windows 7 at nearly 30 percent. While Windows 8, the latest operating system of Microsoft, can barely be found at Internet cafes, businesses and schools.

A major reason why the 13-year-old operating system is still so popular in China is because it has been widely pirated. So how bad is Chinese piracy of Microsoft software?

In 2011, the company estimated that 90 percent of Microsoft software used in China is pirated. For years, Microsoft has tried to convince consumers and businesses in the nation to buy official copies, pointing to the rampant security holes found in bootleg versions. But the operating system’s high price has been one factor that’s turned potential buyers away.


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