

Source: CCTV9    2014-04-09  我要投稿   论坛   Favorite  

China and ASEAN are celebrating a year of cultural exchange. The opening ceremony has been held in Beijing. Vice Premier Liu Yandong and Myanmar’s Vice President Nyan Tun were on hand, along with other officials from China and ASEAN countries. The event features diverse arts and cultures in the region.

A tribute to the ever-growing ties between China and ASEAN. The performing hall of Tsinghua University is the venue for the focus on culture.

"It is significant for China and ASEAN to start the second decade of the strategic partnership with cultural exchanges. China would like to join closer with ASEAN, keep the cultural exchange invigorate, contributing to the peace and prosperity of Asia," Chinese Vice Premier Liu Yandong said.

Nyan Tun, the vice president of Myanmar, attended the opening ceremony and expressed his thanks to China for hosting the event.

Myanmar takes the ASEAN presidency this year.

"We are pleased to witness the significant progress in ASEAN China dialogue relations over the last decade. We have created our friendly dialogue relations and respected partnership based on mutual trust," Nyan Tun said.

The theme of the year-long exchange is “Our Culture, Our Future”. The opening features 11 singing and dancing performances from all across the region.

The logo of the 2014 China-ASEAN Cultural Exchange Year combines the two letters C and A, initials of China and ASEAN, together to form a heart shape, representing the solidarity and friendship between China and ASEAN nations.

The audience was treated to a joint performance when singers from Brunei, Laos, Singapore, the Philippines and Vietnam shared the stage to sing hits of the late, great Chinese singer Teresa Teng.

An exhibition featuring traditional costumes of China and ASEAN countries will go on display at the Chinese Museum of Women and Children, and runs to April the 17th.


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