

Source: CCTV9    2014-04-01  我要投稿   论坛   Favorite  

Earth Hour took place at the weekend, Spider-Man himself joined millions of everyday super heroes from across the world for the world’s largest celebration in aid of the planet.

The event that has evolved into the world’s largest movement for the planet now impacts on more than 154 countries and territories around the globe. And the cast from upcoming film "The Amazing Spider-Man 2," including Andrew Garfield, Emma Stone and Jamie Foxx invited everyone to join in.

Lights were switched off at the Palace of Westminster in London on Saturday as part of events around the world to mark Earth Hour. However there was more to it that just that.

The movements sends a message to the world that anyone can be a superhero for the planet, radiating from the flagship Earth Hour event at the Worldwide Fund for Nature in Singapore.

Created in Sydney in 2007, Earth Hour now involves over 7,000 cities around the world.


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