

Source: CCTV9    2013-12-03  我要投稿   论坛   Favorite  

Cyber Monday just wrapped up in the US, it's the biggest shopping day of the year, now ringing up greater sales than even Black Friday, perhaps because you don't have to wait in line or risk getting trampled on. Don't hit the panic button if you missed it, because there's still plenty of time.

Cyber Monday shopper Kevin Hom just bought a laptop through Amazon, where he believes he saved nearly 300 dollars.

While he made the final purchase at his home computer, Kevin has been checking the deals constantly through his mobile phone.

"It is gonna be the future. Instead of taking me a mintue or two, it's gonna take like 10 seconds, the technology is there, it's pushing toward that direction," Cyber Monday shopper Kevin Hom says.

Cyber Monday has been the US's top online spending day since 2010 and has steadily grown each year since.

Internet Analytic company Comscore predicts the trend will continue this year by surpassing the 2 billion dollar mark.

"In CNET's holiday survey, we found that more than 60% of consumers will do more than half of their shopping online," Sharon Vaknin, Senior Associate Editor of CNET, says.

This quarter, Mobile Commerce or M-Commerce, is expected to take its highest share of the market ever, making up nearly 13-percent of total digital commerce.

M-commerce is allowing companies to expand its reach and hit customers faster and more frequently, making Cyber Monday not just a single day.

"It's not just Cyber Monday now, it's the whole week, and this year that's especially important for retailers because the shopping season is one week shorter because Thanksgiving came a little bit late, so now they really have to cram in all those discounts in a shorter amount of time," Vaknin says.

"Maybe Cyber Monday isn't as much as 'I must buy things on Cyber Monday', but I still think it kind of matters. I definitely got a deal on stuff that I would have paid a lot more for," Cyber Monday shopper Madison Williams says.

Many companies have expressed concern about their employees spending their entire work day making online purchases. But it appears shoppers have figured a way around those watchful eyes. While much of the online browsing does happens during day hours, the vast majority of purchases happen between the hours of 6 and 10 pm, when people are safely at home.

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