

Source: CCTV9    2013-08-24  我要投稿   论坛   Favorite  

Floods in southern China’s Guangdong Province have caused major damage to Shantou city.

Roads, power supply and communication were cut off by floods. Although the city is making a slow recovery, there is a lot of hard work ahead for locals.

Road 324 is busy like any other highway in China. Not many people know though that these lorries are helping deliver underwear from the city’s factories to shops the world over.

This road is the major road to access the villages which have been hit the worst by the flood. It has been cut off by water for the past few days. In early Thursday morning, the road was resumed, but the traffic is still bad in some sections.

The scene couldn’t have been more different just a day before. The road was covered by sludge and rubbish, and queues of vehicles.

The traffic police and the transport department have worked around the clock to reopen the road.

As the floodwater subsided, rotting rubbish presents a health risk.

hen night falls, the town goes quiet. But some people can’t rest. Sanitation workers have been cleaning up the mess for more than 12 hours.

The city is recovering from the damage caused by floods, but it will take a while for locals’ lives to return to normal.


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