

Source: CCTV9    2013-08-13  我要投稿   论坛   Favorite  

The Obama administration has launched a formal review of its electronic intelligence gathering methods, which has come under widespread criticism after former NSA contractor Edward Snowden exposed a secret government surveillance program.

Director of US National Intelligence James Clapper has announced plans to establish a review group to look at the government’s intelligence collection methods and surveillance capabilities.

The group will examine the technical and policy issues that have arisen from rapid advances in global telecommunications. The high-level group of outside experts has 60 days to deliver its interim findings. A final report and its recommendations are due on Dec. 15th.

The formal review plan is one of four measures unveiled by US President Barack Obama last Friday, who has also vowed to provide more details about the NSA programs to try to restore any public trust damaged by the Snowden disclosures.

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