

Source: CCTV9    2013-01-29  我要投稿   论坛   Favorite  

Every year on January 27th, Cubans hold a march to pay tribute to their National Hero, Jose Marti, on the eve of his birthday. Fidel Castro led the first march 60 years ago in 1953.

Cuba’s youth came out in their Che Guevara shirts and with their Cuban flags in hand, to celebrate the birth of one their most famous national heroes: poet Jose Marti.

University student Mirtia Julia said, "It is a march to ratify our support for our revolutionary process."

University student Julio Cesar Farinos said, "The example is set by the joyous youth on this staircase, with a profound vocation for the revolution, humanitarianism and anti imperialism. We are here to give it all for the revolution."

Students from the country’s universities and high schools gathered at the steps of the Havana University to lead the march of the torches through the streets of Havana at almost midnight. It has been 160 years since Marti’s birth, but the students here insist his writings continue to be relevant.

Yusuan Palacios Ortega, president of Jose Marti Youth Movement, said, "Those teachings of Marti help us be better human beings. The apostle tells us to be cultured so to be more free and be good so to be more blessed."

Reporter: "The ritual begins in Santiago in front of the cemetery where Jose Marti is buried, and they light a torch which makes its way through the provinces of Cuba till it arrives on the 27th in Havana."

Amongst the thousands marching were 450 Venezuelans who also paid tribute.

Edgardo Ramirez, Venezuelan Ambassador to Cuba, said, "Chavez’s troops are present here to embrace our solidarity with Cuba, saying "Union!" which was a legacy of Jose Marti."


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