

Source: CCTV9    2012-11-02  我要投稿   论坛   Favorite  

China has been pushing health reform for years and now it is sharing the experience with the international community. The second health symposium on health system research was held in Beijing on Thursday.

Initiated by the World Health Organization, the symposium is aimed to promote the health system research and health care coverage.

This is a meeting that will shape the world’s future in the next ten years.

Scientists, researchers and policy makers in health system are all getting altogether in Beijing, sharing their experiences and agendas and on universal health coverage.

The symposium has attracted experts from over a hundred countries representing seven hundred institutions.

Rhona Mijumbi, project officer of Makerere University of Uganda, said, “we are talking about best practices, we are talking about collaboration, we are talking about it has always been North to South learning. But now we even beginning to look at South to North learning. So I am looking collaboration and connections especially from people working in my area.”

Reporter: “Researchers and policy makers rally today to share their experiences in promoting universal health coverage. As the host country, China had also made remarkable achievements in promoting health reform.”

China’s Minister of Health Chen Zhu introduced the achievements that China had made in health reform, such as expanding medical security coverage and improving grass roots health service network.

Executive director Meng Qingyue said, “China had been making quite remarkable progresses in health reform these years, we hope we could share our experiences with international community. Meanwhile, We can see many state-of-art practices in the world that China could learn. For example, the achievements in advancing health system and health reform in Thailand and Mexico. Anyway, universal health coverage is a systematic program, and we still have a lot to do.”

The session will last for four day until Saturday. A wide range of issues on health systems globally will be discussed.


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