

Source: CCTV9  恒星英语编译  2012-02-28  我要投稿   论坛   Favorite  

Japan's Hitachi has unveiled its latest humanoid robot that can recognize faces and objects. Developers say they hope to introduce their robots to elderly care facilities and hospitals in the future.

EMIEW 2 is the latest version of a service robot that Hitachi debuted in 2005. It’s designed to recognise and use cameras around a room to locate everyday objects, such as a watch.
EMIEW 2是日立2005年首次展出的一个服务型机器人的最新版。它被设计成可以识别和使用摄像机来确定房间周围的日常物体的位置,例如一只手表。

EMIEW2 uses two cameras mounted on its head to see objects whose image it then compares with others stored in its database. Hitachi’s Takashi Sumiyoshi says the technology is limited only by the amount of information the robot can store.
EMIEW 2用装在头上的两个摄像机来看物体,接着将物体的图像和存储在资料库的其它图像作比较。日立的Takashi Sumiyoshi表示,这种科技仅仅受限于机器人可以存储的信息量。

Takashi Sumiyoshi, researcher for Hitachi’s Central Research Lab said: "EMIEW collects images of various objects from the internet and saves them on external database. Then, when you show it something, EMIEW figures out what it is comparing the color and shape of the object with the sample images in its database. Also, if you say the name of an object, EMIEW searches for it and guides you to where it is located."
日立中央研究实验室的研究员Takashi Sumiyoshi称:“EMIEW从因特网上收集各种物体的图像,并将它们储存在外部资料库。然后,当你向EMIEW出示某物时,通过将物体的颜色、形状和资料库的样本图像进行对比,EMIEW就能分辨出它是什么了。如果你说出一个物体的名称,EMIEW就会进行搜索,指引你到物体所在的地方。”

It recognizes human faces in the same way and can distinguish a specific camera from scores of others.

The robot manoeuvres on two wheels with what Hitachi calls "posture-control" technology, helping it make smoother turns around people and furniture.

EMIEW is also light-weight for easy carrying.

Takashi Sumiyoshi said: "We developed this robot mainly to provide a guidance service for humans, so it has to be nimble to move around without bumping into people and also lightweight so that it wouldn’t hurt people even if it accidentally hits them. It’s also easy to carry because it’s light."
Takashi Sumiyoshi表示:“我们开发这部机器人主要是为人类提供引导服务,所以它必须能灵活地走动,不会撞到人,并且质量轻,这样即使它不小心撞到人也不会伤到人。它很轻,所以它也容易携带。”

Developers have no plans to commercialize EMIEW2 any time soon but they hope it will one day be a guiding presence in elderly care facilities, hospitals and ultimately in homes.


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